For scientific purposes, this breadboard-style Nd:YLF picosecond modelocked oscillator provides stable 5ps pulse trains with a repetition rate around 80 MHz (pls. specify). The laser crystal is pumped by an external fiber-coupled laser diode (included, 19" rack controller housing size).
Pulsed, modelocked operation is self-starting and the 5ps operation shows excellent stability with respect to noise, modelocked-Q-switching instabilities and double pulsing. Modelocking is initiated by a Semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SeSAM) optimized for picosecond operation. The user can open the lid and make changes or additions to the laser as he wishes. This provides ultrafast laser research groups with an easy and cost-effective jump start to get going with ultrafast laser pulses around 1047-1053 nm for leading research applications.
Applications include seeding of amplifiers, nonlinear microscopy, pumping of OPOs, ultrafast spectroscopy, etc.