Compact Custom DPSS Lasers

Compact Custom Pulsed DPSSL - Diode-pumped Solid-State Lasers and Contract R&D services in that field for your needs.

Please contact us with your questions or customization requests.


Based on our experience and technology, we offer customized laser setup built to your application's requirement.  Diode-pumped, pulsed laser sources that have size constraints and should fulfill challenging laser parameters are within our scope.

Please contact us with your requirements and we will be happy to make a proposal for a possible solution.

The following product categories lie within our area of expertise:

  • Diode-pumped Q-switched lasers with space constraints.
  • Diode-pumped ultrafast solid-state laser oscillators.
  • Diode-pumped ultrafast (femtosecond or picosecond) solid-state laser regenerative amplifiers.
  • Frequency conversion.
  • Laser resonator design and concepts.
